Tuesday, February 3, 2009


TCT Television Network. I found a great TV network that promotes God's word. TCT has a nice variety of shows that are family friendly, and entertaining. Call TCT at 1-800-232-9855. Or write them for more information on their network, or to make a donation. TCT, P.O. Box 1010, Marion, IL. 62959. http://tct.tv

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

700 CLUB

I remember the days when I use to turn the TV channel immediately when the 700 Club would come on. I thought it was a show for senior citizens, so I didn't watch it long enough to form an opinion on the quality of the show. Now after at least 20 years of turning the 700 Club off, I actually recommend that everyone watch the 700 Club at least once, if not daily. I started watching one day while a testimonial was on, and didn't realize I was watching the 700 Club. A man in Africa was hustling fake prescription and illegal drugs. He ended up getting caught and thrown in prison where he saw an African version of the 700 Club. He prayed and received Jesus Christ as his Savior, and he said Jesus came to him in a vision. Shortly after that he was realised from prison, along with 1 other person because of a holiday ritual or something. The guards just walked up to him and told him he could go. After that he kept coming to the prison to tell people about Jesus, and how He died that we may have eternal life. After seeing that show, I realized how much I was really missing out on. I recommend that everyone reading this stop by CBN's web site and watch past show and find one that interest you, and let God do the rest. http://CBN.com

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ken Wade.com

I invite everyone to visit http://kenwade.com/. Ken Wade host of THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE television broadcast has a new web site. I would like to thank Ken for teaching God's word, and I encourage everyone to visit his site to enhance your spiritual research. Ken invites each and everyone of you to attend Bible Study Class every Sunday at 2 pm. (except holidays), to the Oakland/Clawson YWCA located at 839 South Crooks Rd.-(between 13 Mile & 14 Mile Rds./ at Normandy) Clawson, Mi. Seats are free- no collection. "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."- 2 Timothy 2:15.